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On the territory of Lisovsky village council a joint raid was held

24.12.2018 в 12:30

For the sake of Lisiska sіlskoi for the sake of it was held a special raid with a copy of the rules and rules of fire safety and behavior on winter waters with the help of a social robot PRTSSSDM Pavlenko V.V. that the senior inspector of the VZNS 9 DPRZ GUDSNS of Ukraine in Donetsk region, the captain of the word. Fom І.І.
Conducted informatsіynі besіdi with the baggage of the village, that with the teachings of LISVSKOI ZOSH on the topic “Prototodzhezhozhnna bezpeka”.

Bula nadan informacii about safeguarding the vodnem vidne p_d hour of exploitation of the first time that the victorist elektroprylad_v, correctly povodzhennya pіd pozhezhnі that rozmіnnya important nasdkіv of the reasons for the reason of the fires, “for the sake of fire safety, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire, for the reason of the fire security, for the reason of the fire security, for the reason of the fire security,
